An evaluation session takes about 60 minutes to complete. It involves many questions and self reports regarding one's usage or history of addiction. Factors such as legal, medical and family background are considered. However the accuracy of each evaluation is effected by a client's honesty and willingness to disclose this information.
It is ADAC's philosophy to look at each individual as a person with a unique situation. Everyone is different; their circumstances vary. Each client has a different experience, understanding and interpretation of the situation. We respect all of these different experiences and each individuals impression of their situation and themselves.
The State of Maryland COMAR regulations however, do identify certain criteria that indicates there may be a problem:
These criteria are recognized by court systems and all state licensed substance abuse programs. However, it is still at the discretion of a qualified substance abuse counselor to make the final determination.
Length of treatment is based on severity of needs and ASAM (American Society of Addictions Medicine) level of care. 26 weeks/6 months is identified in MD State COMAR regulations.
The State of Maryland identifies 12 hour of education as a suggestion for 1st time DUI offenders.
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